Arte di Irisless senza tempo su tela: adorna le tue pareti con grazia

Sperimenta la tua Iris unica nel suo genere in colori affascinanti e trama attraverso la nostra collezione di stampa tela. Trasformiamo il tuo design approvato in una tela intagliata a mano di qualità galleria utilizzando tecniche con tesi.

Solo la tela di cotone premium di provenienza responsabile e gli inchiostri di livello archivistico fanno il taglio. La tua opera d'arte viene quindi stampata direttamente sulla tela con attrezzature di precisione per garantire una saturazione e luminosità pari in tutta la superficie.

Sperimenta i ritratti di arte dei ritratti di Iris su tela

La tela è montata su un telaio in legno massiccio, essiccata in forno per durata. Stretto a mano per creare una consistenza stretta e senza rughe. I lati sono rifiniti in modo pulito per far galleggiare l'arte all'interno del telaio.

Con dimensioni su misura per te, questi ritratti di tela personalizzati infondono il tuo spazio con la ricchezza dell'artigianato artigianale. Intendeva essere orgogliosamente mostrato per tutti da ammirare.

The Pristine - Custom Iris Canvas 20x20 cm / 8x8''
The Pristine - Custom Iris Canvas 20x20 cm / 8x8''
La tela Iris Custine - Custom da £47.00 £64.00
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The Vibrant - Custom Iris Canvas
The Vibrant - Custom Iris Canvas
La tela iris personalizzata - personalizzata da £50.00 £64.00
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Custom iris canvas with dark background
Custom iris canvas with dark background
La tela iris personalizzata - personalizzata da £50.00 £64.00
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Custom iris canvas with radiant gold effect on black background
Custom iris canvas with radiant gold effect on black background
The Radiant - Custom Iris Canvas da £50.00 £64.00
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Mystic Custom Iris Canvas on black background
Mystic Custom Iris Canvas on black background
The Mystic - Custom Iris Canvas da £50.00 £64.00
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Custom iris canvas with black background
Custom iris canvas with black background
The Enchanted - Custom Iris Canvas da £50.00 £81.00
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Custom iris canvas art with dewdrop effect on black background
Custom iris canvas art with dewdrop effect on black background
The Dewdrop - Custom Iris Canvas da £50.00 £116.00
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Custom iris canvas with splash effect on black background
Custom iris canvas with splash effect on black background
The Waves - Custom Iris Canvas da £50.00 £64.00
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Custom iris canvas with butterfly effect on black background
Custom iris canvas with butterfly effect on black background
The Butterfly - Custom Iris Canvas da £50.00 £64.00
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The Vibrant - Custom Duo Iris Canvas
The Vibrant - Custom Duo Iris Canvas
The Vibrant - Custom Duo Iris Canvas da £60.00 £81.00
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Custom Duo Iris Canvas on black background
Custom Duo Iris Canvas on black background
The Luminoso - Duo personalizzato Iris Canvas da £60.00 £81.00
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Custom Duo Iris Canvas with black background
Custom Duo Iris Canvas with black background
The Radiant - Custom Duo Iris Canvas da £60.00 £81.00
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Ethereal custom duo iris canvas with yin-yang design on black
Ethereal custom duo iris canvas with yin-yang design on black
The Etereal - Custom Duo Iris Canvas da £60.00 £81.00
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Infinite duo iris canvas on black background
Infinite duo iris canvas on black background
The Infinite - Custom Duo Iris Canvas da £60.00 £81.00
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Custom Duo Iris Canvas with black background
Custom Duo Iris Canvas with black background
The Dewdrop - duo personalizzato Iris Canvas da £60.00 £81.00
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Custom Duo Iris Canvas with black background
Custom Duo Iris Canvas with black background
The Waves - Custom Duo Iris Canvas da £60.00 £81.00
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Custom Duo Iris Canvas with butterfly effect on black
Custom Duo Iris Canvas with butterfly effect on black
The Butterfly - Custom Duo Iris Canvas da £60.00 £81.00
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The Vibrant - Custom Trio Iris Canvas
The Vibrant - Custom Trio Iris Canvas
La tela vibrante - trio iris personalizzato da £67.00 £152.00
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Custom Trio Iris Canvas with dark background
Custom Trio Iris Canvas with dark background
La tela luminosa - trio iris personalizzato da £67.00 £94.00
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Custom Trio Iris Canvas with black background
Custom Trio Iris Canvas with black background
The Radiant - Custom Trio Iris Canvas da £67.00 £94.00
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